

16. 06. 2021

OFFER of laboratory TESTS

Don't have a lab?                 We have her.
Do you need to find out the technological properties of molding or core mixtures?          We can do it.

We will prepare common laboratory analyzes for you, such as

 -  sample moisture
 -  total clay
 - sieve analysis (according to PN or DIN standard)
 - pH
 - determination of loss on ignition

You can also contact us with a request for a determination

 - hardness of molds and cores using CORE HARDNESS TESTER
 - thermal expansion of the mixture on LRu-DMA, so-called HOT DISTORTION TEST
 - sintering of the slag up to a temperature of 1700 ° C
 - detailed microscopic photography of the sample with magnification up to 240x
